While researching the book, I managed to obtain (don’t ask; it involved cash and a very long drive) a bound set of Polaroid’s in-house newspaper.

There are a LOT more volumes than this.








First called the Polaroid News Letter, then the Polaroid Newsletter, and later the Polaroid Update and briefly Viewpoint, the newspaper grew in polish and gloss over the years, while hanging onto a small-town quality. (I just opened the 1989 volume at random, and learned about Polaroid’s Ultimate Frisbee team.) The set runs from 1957 to 1994; don’t know whether it lasted past that point.

Someone did this project up nicely, with leather-trimmed bindings and heavy, creamy endpapers. There’s a loopy (in both senses) cursive logotype stamped in gold on the cover.

I’ll be posting curios from these pages as they bob up. Just for kicks, here’s a bit about the 1958 Christmas party, with your host, Dr. Edwin Land. Not to mention “his singing assistant, Alberta Cochran.”

Click to enlarge and read.










Google doesn’t turn up much beyond a few phone-book listings for that name (though I did just learn that Alberta, Canada, contains a city called Cochrane).

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2 Responses to The Polaroid Newsletter

  1. MB says:

    Oh, maaannnnnnn!

  2. […] up my apartment, because I recently donated some of the research material from my book—including a bound set of Polaroid Newsletters—to the museum. They got a pile of rarities and curios; I got back a couple of shelves in our […]

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