I’ve often thought, while working on this book, that there ought to be a Polaroid documentary. Turns out that Grant Hamilton, an Iowa City photographer and Pola-enthusiast, thought the same thing. His film focuses on the last year of Polaroid’s film production and the creation of the Impossible Project. Time Zero: The Last Year of Polaroid Film (perfect name!) is finished and seeking a distributor, and may be viewable as soon as this fall; I’ll post news as I get it. The trailer is here.

The posters (downloadable here):











And here’s a sampling of Hamilton’s photos, which turn the square SX-70 format into a little color-field painting. Full gallery here.


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One Response to ‘Time Zero: The Last Year of Polaroid Film’

  1. […] documentary—see earlier news about it here and here—is returning to town for the documentary-film festival known as NYC DOC. It’s at the IFC […]

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