A special treat at the opening of “Momentum,” the Impossible Project’s latest exhibit, this past evening: I finally met Dr. Florian Kaps, the man who (with his business partner, André Bosman) saved Polaroid’s last instant-film factory from the scrapyard. We had spoken via Skype but never in the flesh. Tonight, we chatted, we joked, we traded Polaroid lore; he gave me a peek at a future product that looks extremely promising. Here’s the man himself. (It’s probably bad form to admit that I shot him on Fuji film, but at least it’s not Instax.)

Dr. Kaps at the Impossible Space, March 1, 2012.









I also was excited to meet Jessica Reinhardt, whose Polaroid photography I’ve been admiring online for quite awhile. Here she is with Patrick Tobin, who works in marketing and online sales for Impossible and is a really good photographer himself. (Soft focus, I know, I know; group shots are tough with the portrait lens on my Model 180, because DOF is about six inches and someone’s always too far back or too close in.)

"Tobin & Reinhardt" sounds like a successful mid-century piano duo.

2 Responses to Face-to-Face With Doc

  1. […] Polaroid freaks know about Dr. Florian Kaps, a.k.a. “Doc,” who is the guy more than any other who kept SX-70 and 600 film from disappearing forever. But […]

    • Wilfer says:

      Courtney, your pictures are uifbteaul it’s not just the SX-70 but your skill with the camera too (I should know, I have an ’80s polaroid and none of my shots look this good!). But I’ve just purchased my own SX-70 and can’t wait to try it out!

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