A billion dollars. I’d like to point out here that Instagram has nine employees, plus its investors, who today are probably very happy people.

I have a bunch to say about this, which really does portend the future of amateur photography, and I’ll post links as the stories appear.

[Update, 4/15/12: Story in New York magazine here. Also, further research reveals that Instagram has thirteen employees, not nine. The best part of print media: Unless you’re hard up against a press deadline, you have time to double-check things, and then a fact-checker has your back.]

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2 Responses to Instagram Sold for $1 Billion

  1. Elizabeth says:

    Thanks for sharing your article about Instagram. Do you think the deal with Facebook will bring major changes to the app? We have written about this on our blog- http://www.lucidagency.com/weekly-digital-news-roundup/weekly-digital-news-roundup-april-9-13/

    • admin says:

      Good question… if I had to guess (and it’s just a guess) I’d say it won’t change much but may be augmented.

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