Had the great pleasure, last night, to meet up with a slice of the Polaroid community: Grant Hamilton, director of Time Zero, screened his film at New York’s VisionFest 2012. Most of the Impossible Project’s key players turned up, as did a scattering of Pola-enthusiasts—cameras in hand, of course—and the theater, at Tribeca Cinemas, was nearly full. Dr. Hamilton and I have been working in parallel on our respective Pola-projects for about the same amount of time–three years or so–but had never met, so it was fun to say hello and compare notes on our respective obsessions. Congratulations, Grant!

Now showing.

At the post-show Q&A. From left: director Grant Hamilton, and the Impossible Project’s Dave Bias and Florian “Doc” Kaps.

Team ‘Time Zero.’ From left: co-producer Sara Hamilton (with SX-70 in hand); Impossible’s Anne Bowerman, Doc Kaps, Ulli Barta, and Dave Bias; and director Grant Hamilton.

One Response to The New York Premiere of ‘Time Zero: The Last Year of Polaroid Film’

  1. […] documentary—see earlier news about it here and here—is returning to town for the documentary-film festival known as NYC DOC. It’s at […]

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