Your host deep in the real-life Polaroidland: At the MIT Museum, October 18, 2012.

Lovely warm reception in Cambridge this week, at the events I mentioned in my last post. We filled every seat (about 50) plus some windowsill perches at the Cambridge Historical Society, and had 80-plus attendees at the MIT Museum for the party the next night. Both times, a good number of Polaroid alumni turned up, and many shared stories, anecdotes, and more.

A pair of excellent news hits helped bring in visitors: Mark Feeney’s long Q&A with me in the Boston Globe, and Janelle Nanos’s online interview for Boston magazine’s news blog. Grateful for both, and I loved catching up with Janelle, who worked with me a bunch of years back at New York magazine. And thanks again to Dr. Deborah Douglas, at MIT, and Gavin Kleepsies, at the CHS, for running two smooth, enjoyable events.

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