Weegee at work, December 9, 1939.

Weegee at work, December 9, 1939. Unidentified photographer. Courtesy of the International Center of Photography.

I won’t be moving on from delivering Polaroid news anytime soon, but I’m happy to announce that the proposal for my next book has sold. It’ll be a biography of Weegee, a.k.a. Arthur Fellig, the greatest crime photographer ever to walk New York’s streets. Henry Holt will publish, and (based on my manuscript due date) the book is likely to appear in early 2017.  Like INSTANT, it lies at a place where several of my interests—New York City, photography, newspapers, journalism as art—intersect. It’s an intimidating thing to sign a book contract, but I’m excited about it.

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3 Responses to A Little In-House News

  1. […] friend, Christopher Bonanos — author of Instant: The Story of Polaroid — has signed a book deal with Henry Holt for a biography of […]

  2. Congratulations, Chris. Happy for you.

  3. Juli says:

    This is great news! I love Weegee.

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