You can reach me at I try to respond to all e-mailers, especially if they ask about Polaroid, photography, interesting dead technologies, potential speaking engagements, media life in general, where to get a decent bialy, and the many, many other topics that interest me.

NOTE: If you are a public-relations or communications professional, particularly one trying to get your story into New York magazine, please do not put this address on your mailing list. Those messages should go to my office inbox, and will be deleted unread from this one.


18 Responses to E-mail

  1. Elsa Dorfman says:

    I was hoping you would include my work in your upcoming Polaroid book.

  2. keven jackson says:

    are 3d photographs from 1943 rare?

  3. Miles munroe says:

    Fan of the site and really love the book. Stumbled upon these pics and thought you might be interested.

  4. James Howard says:

    Book just arrived (pre-ordered on Amazon months ago). It looks great. – James

  5. John F. Cooney says:

    My father was a longtime Polaroid engineer in the film division. I never understood my father’s professional life until I read your book. Thanks.

  6. Mario says:

    Chris, AWESOME book! Became aware of it on our trip to Boston, where we stumbled into the MIT museum. I can see how E. Land had a big impact on Steve Jobs. My wife gave me the book for Christmas, and when I was just about done, she announces she thinks she has an SX 70. She did, with two un opened packs of Time Zero! There is something I think magical – this analog to photography! I will be ordering some Impossible film! We are displaced New Yorkers, twenty years now in Boulder, and we very much enjoy NY magazine too. I’ll keep an eye for your stuff. Take care and all the best in the new year. Mario

  7. Conrad says:

    Great book – just finished it!
    Going to be trying the Impossible film this weekend. Any tips?
    Thanks and cheers from London!

  8. James Howard says:

    Study the guides on Impossible’s web site carefully for the particular film you are using. Shield the film from light as it exits the camera and for the first minutes of development. Unlike the original Polaroid film, you cannot at present “watch” the picture develop. Improper shielding will result in images which appear over exposed (too light).

  9. Hi, I’m an old Polaroider, I used to write for the Polaroid Newsletter in the Employee Communications and Department at 549 Tech Square. Used to see the great man walking up Main Street on the way to or from his Osborne street lab. Any old pals feel free to contact me at I am in Santa Fe, like Bill Field (and of course, the sacred place where Land — in fact, I visited the house he was renting and there is, I swear, a chemical stain on the wood floor where he . Anyway, always fascinated by all thigns Polaroid. I was off to college by the time the Spectra system arrived and I’d love to know more about this camera, particularly where it was manufactured (the U.K.) and by who. I was there when SX-70 was huge and also when Polavision was developed and launched (ouch). I did enjoy Polachrome slide film. Anyway, great memories, of course.

  10. JM E says:

    Hello Chris, Photographer for 30+ years , I finished your book & enjoyed it very much. Whenever I’m asked which is my favorite camera , my reply to them is always Polariod, Large bucket item completed last year when I shot the 20-24 .
    Yesterday I found a talk you gave w//regards to the book , my question to you is : do you really carry the camera daily ?

    • admin says:

      Thanks for the kind words. Yes, I do carry a Polaroid camera daily. It’s usually a Model 180 Colorpack camera. Once in awhile, I take the SX-70 instead.

  11. Hello Christopher, I have started a Google+ community for Polaroid and Instant Film Photographers. Joining the group is a great way to communicate with other Polaroid professionals around the world.

    Google+ is expanding so quickly that experts are expecting it to overtake Twitter as the #2 social media destination by 2014. Make sure for 2014 that you grab your Google+ Local Business Page as it dramatically increases your web presence and increase your ability to connect on social media.

  12. mike billi says:

    I am mike, a graphic + architectural designer, founder of jbFARM in New York.
    I would like to share my recent on going work with Polaroidland and friends.
    It’s an illustration of a SX-70 focusing on its 4 facades for my new camera drawing series -appreciation of classic cameras as architecture.

    it would be great if this project can be shared with more people so I can get more ideas for my future work.

    Welcome any camera suggestion for future work.



    • admin says:

      Hi there. Love the image, but you’ve got a mistake there! Polaroid was not in Minnesota until a couple of years ago, after the bankruptcy. It was in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

      In fact, Polaroid was not only headquartered there but was a major part of Cambridge’s culture. Its scientists often came from or contributed to work at MIT and Harvard, and much of its staff had connections to other tech companies nearby, including Wang, Bose, KLH, and Digital Equipment Corporation.

    • James Howard says:

      You have to be careful about giving the “new” Polaroid any credit for work created under the guidance of Dr. Land. PLR IP Holdings, LLC (Minnetonka, MN) is company that sells rights to the Polaroid name and logo to manufactures that hope it will add some luster to their products. Most items are of Chinese origin. They invent nothing because they have no research and development; they manufacture nothing because they have no factories. Polaroid currently has around 50 employees – in 1978, 21,000 (read twenty-one thousand). It’s not the same company.

  13. Just finished an Impossible Project review if you’re interested in taking a look. Thanks!

  14. Ken Land says:

    Mr. Bonanos.

    How can I get copy of the trailer to the book? Willing to pay. Many people I want to show it to. But cannot find it online. Or perhaps other problems. My device?

    I am second cousin to Dr. Land. Never met him.

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